These articles share my most valuable learnings over the last few years as a non-fiction author and digital marketer.

Don’t Write A Book… Unless You Know Why You Are Writing It
You must set your goals for your book from the outset. If you don’t have a strong “why” at the start, then you run a high risk of abandoning the project later. In this article, I explain what can happen if you don’t know why you are writing your book.
How To Outline Your Book, Using Trello
Writing without an outline is like building a house without a blueprint. You just end up with a great big mess. Outlining can be a pain though. It can take ages to shift ideas around – but in this post I show you how to do it efficiently, using free software called Trello.
Why You Should Write Your Book With Your Readers
If you want your book to launch with momentum, and be more than a flash in the pan, you should find ways to involve your target readers with the creation of your book. Make your book a joint effort between you (the author) and the intended audience.